DO YOU STILL KNOW WHO THE F*CK YOU ARE? – We find it easy to think that we have all things figured out always. But how about you? Have you figured yourself out yet? We’ve all started this process of knowing and following our dreams to realize that we’ve been looking at another person’s dreams...
Welcome to 2021. You’ve made it past that nightmare people called 2020. It might even get worse for some, but my hope is that it’s the other way around, and that you’re going to be resilient. A great task is in front of you. Accomplishing your goals is the key to your purpose perhaps this...
Last day of the year. So much to look back and so much optimism to look forward too. I want you think of all the things you can be grateful for today. Even if you read this after December 31, that’s fine. It just means that you’re still alive, you’re alive in a time where...
in Self-help, Book Review, Business, Life Deck Notes, My Reviews, Personal Development LIFE LESSONS FROM CURTIS “50 CENT” JACKSON
LIFE LESSONS FROM CURTIS “50 CENT” JACKSON – I’ve always been a fan of 50 Cent. Ever since his first major hit song “In The Club” became a mainstream sensation, his meteoric rise to success has not stopped. Nowadays, he steps well into his 40’s (45 now in 2020 to be exact). What made him...
in Business, Life Deck Notes, Personal Development, Self-help YOUR REPUTATION IS YOUR PERSONAL BRAND
In case you didn’t know this by now, your reputation is everything. It is your brand. It’s how you are judged by your character and how you’re seen by people. When you have a poor reputation, you will find it difficult to keep a nice job, lead a start-up company or just be able to...
in Life Deck Notes, Personal Development, Self-help GIVING WITHOUT STRINGS ATTACHED – THE ABUNDANCE MINDSET
I can’t remember the last time I received more gifts during Christmas than actual gifts I give during the holiday season. It’s likely that the older we get, the less gifts we tend to receive. We all know what great feeling it is as a kid, that we receive presents from our parents, relatives and...
I’ve read and listened to different ways to embrace failures from different people. While they’re all nice and lovely, I find most of them impractical to say the least. While our failures shouldn’t stop us from our pursuit of success, it gives us the question of how and what next? Succeeding at the big tough...
We always hear this: “Millionaires have 7 Streams of Income” BUT we’re never told how those streams are created. Not even in school or at home. Well, today is your lucky day. Let’s talk in the comments section?? “CREATING THE 7 INCOME STREAMS” THIS IS THE MONEY ?????? THREAD: Go to this link here now...
Everyone knows who Oprah Winfrey is. One of the most powerful people in the world, and she’s not even in politics. She grew up in one of the worst environments, living in extreme poverty, sexually abused by several people growing up, bouncing around living with her mother, father and grandmother. She ran away from home...
There are a lot of problems with giving away your power. Here are 7 reasons why: 1. You become highly sensitive to criticism – Lacking the ability to evaluate criticism is something I struggled with early on when I started to become successful. An opinion of someone is something I could not take positively, that...
Hey there! In case you’re not aware yet or you know me from 2 years ago or beyond that, I’m a full time Mindset & Business Coach. I trained myself for over a year to be able to do this passion of mine, based on my past failures. With all the things that has happened...
There is a certain feeling that we get when something happens to us. A feeling that we think that “It’s all over now. It’s all gone. Everything is lost. It’s all fucked up now.” Or something close to those. What’s going to follow are multiple complaints, misery and self-pity, the impotent struggle polarizing something that...
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