VISUALIZE YOUR ADDICTIONS – It all starts harmlessly. A simple indulgence then turns into a full-on addiction. We start our day with a hot cup of coffee in the morning then before we know it, our day isn’t ready to begin without it. When we wake up at 6AM, we turn off the alarm on...
DO YOU STILL KNOW WHO THE F*CK YOU ARE? – We find it easy to think that we have all things figured out always. But how about you? Have you figured yourself out yet? We’ve all started this process of knowing and following our dreams to realize that we’ve been looking at another person’s dreams...
Welcome to 2021. You’ve made it past that nightmare people called 2020. It might even get worse for some, but my hope is that it’s the other way around, and that you’re going to be resilient. A great task is in front of you. Accomplishing your goals is the key to your purpose perhaps this...
Last day of the year. So much to look back and so much optimism to look forward too. I want you think of all the things you can be grateful for today. Even if you read this after December 31, that’s fine. It just means that you’re still alive, you’re alive in a time where...
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