I’m not sure if everyone realizes this, but there isn’t a “ONE SIZE FITS MOST” way of marketing to people, especially when it comes to age demographics. Various demographics come from different social environments which has shaped how they interact and see the world. Knowing who you want to target needs to be clear. For each demographic, you need to be able to adapt your marketing strategies AND the marketing tools that you use.
Here are the 4 types of generations so you can have a better understanding of each market:
BABY BOOMERS (1946-1964) – They are the people that will tell you about the good old days and how different and simple things were. But don’t get me wrong. These baby boomers are very much digitally connected to the world. My mom was born in 1949 and she’s an example of that digitally connected person I’m referring to.
Where can you find them:
– Facebook and Instagram targeted ads.
– Traditional media like newspapers, magazines and TV works for boomers.
– Desktop computers marketing strategy utilizing e-commerce. 4 out of 5 boomers spend a lot of time browsing and shopping online.
– Discounts and cash coupons through direct mail. My mom’s generation was brought up to value every peso they can get.
– Slow video formats which are packed with useful information. Avoid doing live videos, GIF’s or futuristics/current tense music.
GEN X (1965-1980) – These are the first people to adopt to technology using a mobile (brick) phones, pagers, desktops, laptops, a modem, a printer and a fax machine all at home. This is a generation that is mostly overlooked despite being a quarter of the population today. They a little less impulsive buyers and research extensively before buying anything of value. Their most common behavior is that they will research online but prefer to buy direct to a retail store location near them.
Where can you find them:
– Email. They have the highest open rates (percent that regularly open emails) of all 4 generations here.
– Easy to use loyalty programs like membership cards that highlight savings will make them buying more from you.
– Highlighting selling points like luxury, exclusivity and high levels of quality when talking about your products or services, just because they are will to spend more for better products that have quality. (Fast fashion and cheap quality products scare them away)
– Digital videos work great with them because they grew up during the highlight of music videos (MTV) and VHS tapes including DVDs that are personalized for them to be entertaining.
GEN Y/MILLENNIALS (1981-1995) – Gen Y is locked and loaded digitally to the world. This generation checks their phone at an average of at least 100-200 times a day and are constantly on most mature social media applications (FB & IG) but are slow to jump in on the latest social media apps (TikTok). They’re conscious about what brands they’re identified with and have the willingness to be loyal to brands they move. Our generations motto is that if you want it, you should buy it.
Where can you find them:
– Most social media apps for mobile devices.
– Visually appealing visuals and straight to the point marketing. Millennials have a very short attention span and respond good to infographics.
– Sponsored influencers that give feedback via social media. The generation is influenced highly by people in their same age group.
– All types of social media reviews from other users and customers including online reviewers on websites or YouTube. Encourage the customers to post their photos or feedback about your product.
– Engage to their comments and direct messages as much as you can, positive or negative. This generation wants to be recognized instantly. Avoid answering them and you’re going to get one unhappy customer.
GEN Z/CENTENNIALS (1996-Present) – Their online identity is key to them. Time is of the essence when dealing with these digitally savvy people. Currently, the average attention span of a Gen Z has the attention span of as little as 4 seconds now and shrinking. They’re fast at scheming and scrolling through text or posts, so you have to catch them on the first few lines or words, or they’re on to the next.
– They like to engage with real people who are common or social media platform influencers that share real life experiences with the latest products with their viewers on YouTube or IGTV or TikTok.
– Live stream and real time news on IG, YouTube or TikTok.
– Same age social media influencers are the bridge to your marketing message and this audience.
– Direct to the point and simple ads since they have the shortest attention span of all generations.
– Shortest delivery time as much as possible to deliver what’s in it for them, as in RIGHT AWAY, including same day or next day delivery if possible. Go straight to the point and don’t even tell them who you are at first. Your first message should be something like “How you can…” or “You need to buy…”.
Question of the day: Which generation are you from?
December 29, 2020 Author Claire
Generation Y here!
Innovation really is fast like a blink of an eye. Who would have thought that almost everything could be done by just a smartphone. Living nowadays is really comfortable unlike before although we need to be more vigilant and careful in everything we do because the fastest we communicate these days the fastest we could be judged or accused as well if we don’t do safety measures with our social media platforms.
Thank you for this blog.
December 30, 2020 Author Jimbogs
Im included in Generation Z, which is more on technological advancement and rapid change.
January 1, 2021 Author Khel Lawrence
Millennial here. I agree with this. It is rather hard to market a product that can best fit to all type of markets. Different markets mean different needs and attention. If we are to apply the AIDA model, (Awareness/Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) all products should follow this, but have to create different strategies for the different markets, especially with the first A. Creating awareness in different markets will take take time and effort, but it would be all worth it!
January 3, 2021 Author Mike Ulep
Honestly, marketing is one of the most difficult and complex industries to work with as they constantly change their researches about the market because the customers also change numerous times. I am a part of the Millennial group and I somewhat understand a little bit of the marketing aspect in any business. It is really difficult to create one promotional strategy for multiple groups of people as they have their owns special needs and wants.