Are you in sales? Real Estate, Value Services, Investments, Bitcoins, Automotive, Insurance, “Financial Advising”, etc? Well you need to read this and share to your colleagues, because most of you are doing it WRONG. Here’s why:

5 things most people in sales SHOULDN’T do once they connect with you on ANY social media platform:

  1. Don’t sell anything in your first message. It’s way too early for that.
  2. Don’t follow-up a sales message with three more asking for a response. This will only annoy them further.
  3. Don’t ask to schedule a call with the person you just connected. Time is precious. They don’t know you yet. I am not going to give my attention to anybody who I don’t know at all or who I just met.
  4. Don’t ask to swap endorsements or ask for a referral on your first conversations. This is just wrong and unethical.
  5. Don’t ask for their email address to send them another “BCC to all” generic sales email. This strategy does not work. This is not a manning station where you throw around flyers to a random stranger.

Connecting with someone online for the purpose of selling is not a shortcut to creating a good relationship. You need to build TRUST and RESPECT. I never once sold anything online to anybody who I just recently connected with.

You can start by adding value to your network.

Here’s how:

Give without expecting anything in return. When you give, people will be more willing to put their trust in you, and that trust compounds into a strong relationship based off of it. Give more, ask for less. You share publicly what you’re all about and what you do, what value your product brings to someone, because you’re proud of it! Plant as many seeds of trust as you can and stop checking on the seeds if they’ve grown. You will see if those seeds have grown.

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What people talk 1 Comment

December 24, 2020 Bryan Obedice

Thank you for sending me the information about how not to sell something in online . I learned
how to limit a product to sell in social media platform from it. I appreciate the detail you went into the topic. I am grateful for the amount of time and effort you put into this helping us. Your insights and summary are beneficial.

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