Sunday mornings for me is a great time to reflect on my week. It’s the start of a new week filled with new challenges and a fresh start, as well as a time to be grateful for what I’ve accomplished. Speaking of accomplishments, I was asked by a reader recently via email ( “What do you think is your greatest accomplishment so far in life?” and that got me to think for a minute what it was.

My reply to the reader’s email was this. I believe my greatest accomplishment in life that can never be toppled by any other achievement is getting Kristina to marry me. This came during a time when we were both employed to different companies back in 2009 and we both had close to nothing in savings. Even for our wedding day, where the money we spent was savings just enough for the wedding. We started our lives together from scratch. We became partners in everything, and I know that I wouldn’t have any other experience of success in life of anything greater than that without her beside me. I realized that all the success in the world that you achieve, however big it may be, means absolutely nothing if you’re not loved, supported and respected the most by those people closest to your heart. I know that when I reach the end of my days in this world someday, I don’t want Kristina, my future children and my family to tell people that I was a good leader, entrepreneur, writer or speaker. My wish is that they think that I’m a good husband, a good dad and a loving family member. That would be a great achievement for me because that matters the most and a great measure of success in life, more than anything else.

Question of the day: Do you think the closest people around, your innermost circle, respect and love you a lot?

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What people talk 4 Comments

December 12, 2020 Jimbo

Yes, we can say that our family & friends loves and respect us but it you think deeply in life, the only person you can trust is yourself.

December 13, 2020 Geno M.Bahay

Yes, Because family and friends loves and respect us because they know us a person. And family and friends is always there for us to cheer you up to reach your goals and to guide you to become success in life ? but the most important is you as a person you should help yourself to achieve what you want in your life. Family and friends is just there to support you ??

December 15, 2020 Marinela Paano

Yes, i may not have a perfect family or a perfect life but i will forever be grateful for those people around me that always making me feel respected and loved. Truly, the most important thing you could have is having those people that support and be there for you whenever you need to.

December 17, 2020 Khel Lawrence

I would say yes. Our circle of family, relatives, and friends have their own unique way of saying “I love you”, “I trust you”, and “I respect you”. I do not express my emotions well in front of my family as I am not certain on how I react towards them. Whenever they have problems, I just listen and give small advises. But in front of my friends, I can express my feelings out because I know they would not get mad at me.

It feels as though I have multiple personalities but deep inside, I just don’t want to express my feelings towards my family as they might be shocked on how I always act, especially when I am mad.

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