This year has already been difficult for most of us with the pandemic taking almost an entire year from our lives. These are trying times compounded with the recent typhoon devastations brought by #ulyssesph #rollyph & #sionyph to our beloved country, taking human lives, animal lives, livelihoods, and homes in 1 fell swoop. Some of us who are lucky enough to survive these should be thankful. Our prayers and hearts go out to our countrymen who are affected and stranded including the rescuers work tirelessly trying to save lives.
If you’re an “influencer”, now is the time to do some good influencing. Use your wide influence reach now. F*ck your feed goals, that doesn’t feed the hungry or house the homeless now. You know what to do.
Here are some ways we can hell and reach out to the victims in our own ways. Let’s share the information out there. We need more awareness. Every act of kindness and help is much appreciated right now, more than ever. ??
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