If you asked me to define each of my brands or any of the brands that I handle, I’ll give you 3 words to describe each one of them. This is how you can define your core brand values with just a few simple words that can stick together and most importantly, makes sense. Not only will it be the easiest way to convey your brand’s key message, but it will become the simplest way for customers to describe your brand.

Below are 150 words that can describe any fashion brand. I want you to pick 3 words from the list to set your own core brand values and keep them. But before you do that, I want you to take note of these 3 things: 1. Make it short and memorable 2. Easy to explain by itself and 3. Consistent with your brand’s image. Now these 3 words will and could change over the course of period of your brand’s growth or evolution, which is fine. You should be able to bookmark this page and go back to this if you need a guide for your brand if ever you think you’re getting lost, or you feel like it has grown since you first picked 3 words here. Ready? Let’s do this!

  1. Adventurous
  2. Affordable
  3. Aggressive
  4. Amazing
  5. Androgynous
  6. Anonymity
  7. Approachable
  8. Athletic
  9. Audacious
  10. Avant-Garde
  11. Awesome
  12. Balanced
  13. Beautiful
  14. Bespoke
  15. Bold
  16. Bodacious
  17. Calm
  18. Casual
  19. Charismatic
  20. Change
  21. Cheerful
  22. Classic
  23. Clean
  24. Clarity
  25. Compassionate
  26. Confident
  27. Contemporary
  28. Controlled
  29. Controversial
  30. Convenient
  31. Cool
  32. Courageous
  33. Crafty
  34. Creative
  35. Craftsmanship
  36. Curious
  37. Cute
  38. Cutting-edge
  39. Daring
  40. Decadent
  41. Determined
  42. Different
  43. Diverse
  44. Durable
  45. Dynamic
  46. Eccentric
  47. Eclectic
  48. Eco-conscious
  49. Elegant
  50. Emotional
  51. Energetic
  52. Enthusiastic
  53. Ephemeral
  54. Ethnic
  55. Excellent
  56. Exciting
  57. Exclusive
  58. Exotic
  59. Experimental
  60. Expressive
  61. Extravagant
  62. Extroverted
  63. Exploring
  64. Fabulous
  65. Fair
  66. Fearless
  67. Feminine
  68. Fierce
  69. Flexible
  70. Freedom
  71. Fresh
  72. Fun
  73. Functional
  74. Futuristic
  75. Generous
  76. Glamorous
  77. Gorgeous
  78. Graceful
  79. Happy
  80. Historic
  81. Heritage
  82. Honest
  83. Humble
  84. Improvement
  85. Independent
  86. Innovative
  87. Inspiring
  88. Instinctual
  89. Intelligent
  90. Integrity
  91. Intuitive
  92. Liberal
  93. Loyal
  94. Lush
  95. Luxurious
  96. Masculine
  97. Mature
  98. Meticulous
  99. Minimal
  100. Modern
  101. Natural
  102. Orderly
  103. Organic
  104. Original
  105. Passionate
  106. Patriotic
  107. Perfect
  108. Pioneering
  109. Playful
  110. Positive
  111. Powerful
  112. Practical
  113. Protection
  114. Precise
  115. Provocative
  116. Performance
  117. Quaint
  118. Quality
  119. Quirky
  120. Radical
  121. Rational
  122. Rebellious
  123. Refined
  124. Reliable
  125. Responsible
  126. Retro
  127. Revolutionary
  128. Romantic
  129. Seductive
  130. Self-Actualized
  131. Self-Controlled
  132. Spirited
  133. Sensitive
  134. Sensual
  135. Serene
  136. Sexy
  137. Simple
  138. Sophisticated
  139. Streamlined
  140. Strong
  141. Sustainable
  142. Timeless
  143. Traditional
  144. Trendy
  145. True
  146. Unique
  147. Unisex
  148. Universal
  149. Versatile
  150. Young

There you go! If you picked more than 3 words, write them down and choose the top 3 words that you feel describes your brand the most, then just go with it! You’ll be amazed at the clarity that you will get once you are able to pick 3 words to describe your brand without the bells and whistles!

Tomorrow’s blog will cover how you can use these 3 words to set the tone for your brand.

Question of the day: Which 3 words did you choose to describe your brand?

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What people talk 1 Comment

December 14, 2020 Khel Lawrence


I chose these three since I am into food business. My menu offerings are Creative, in a sense that it is a fusion of different cuisines. Natural and Organic because all the ingredients I use are fresh and I do not use any additives.

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