Life is a never ending process of learning in various levels. We should never stop learning by training ourselves through continuous education. There are plenty of ways to learn new things that you’re interested in or you want to get better at in your chosen industry. We live in an incredible era of disruptive and seismic change. Today’s technology is brining new efficient possibilities to almost all industries. As an entrepreneur, it’s very exciting to know this, especially knowing that most of it is FREE for us to consume. You’re not only learning, you’re also investing in yourself. You invest time and sometimes money to learn things. Take advantage of this like how you’re taking advantage of what you’re reading now.
Here’s are 7 ways of continuous learning that you should invest time in without breaking the bank
1. Online tutorials – The www offers a vast array of DIY education options for you to take advantage of. Make sure to immerse yourself in that. Learn how to build websites, be skilled in photography or videography, know how to be great at Photoshop, learn how to cultivate plants, know the many ways on how to network digitally, and many more. Try checking out Udemy for courses that might interest you.
2. Stay informed on the latest technology – I’m not just talking about the latest iPhone or Android phones here. Know the latest software tools, computer hardware, innovations in AI, voice technology (this is the future for me), what’s new in automation, e-commerce tools and more. Make sure to know it’s features and performance inside and out. Take full advantage of its online resources and customer service options. CNET and YouTube is my go to for tech news.
3. Get Certified – Certification programs can set you apart from your peers as a pro. From online training to physical training, you have options on how to pursue credential boosts.
4. Go back to school – Could it be time for you to pursue a graduate degree? Consider your options for online or part-time learning programs that help you figure out the good ways to mix up education and business.
5. Know the industry’s pulse – Keep a finger on what’s trending in the industry. Be curious and excited for knowledge. Follow influential people, thought leaders on social media, especially LinkedIn. Keep tabs with your industry news through memberships in associations. Read industry content and publications. Attend as many webinars that you think bring value to you. And when the world opens up again, make sure to book your tickets to the best key events in your chosen industry.
6. Choose education over entertainment on social media – We have so much distraction on our hands. We consume so much social media content that’s more on entertainment rather than INTENTIONAL education. When I mean intentional, it means searching on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for knowledge significant to your industry. Unintentioanl education is like knowing about life on Mars, how-to’s on things you’ll never even do or how to grow a plant at home when you just happen to cross by it on your timeline. Write down your top 3 interests and start searching for them on these social media platforms. Immerse yourself in them. It’s FREE!
7. Read business and self-help books and/or listen to ebooks – I like to read books. I started reading books intently around 2015 when I was on the verge of selling a majority share of my brand Sole Slam. I started reading business books on different aspects of the business including self help books to improve on my mindset. I wish I loved to read books when I was younger. But now I’m excited to finish a book every time I pick up one. I make sure to consume between 100 to 200 pages of books every day. If I can’t buy the book at my nearest bookstore, I go online to look for the ebook version of it, or if I like the author, the audiobook version of it is what I look for. Go to first before picking up a book so you don’t get blinded by the book cover. More often than not, the covers of a book are overhyped and sometimes the covers don’t even do justice to the book itself. Look for books that average at least 4.15 to 5 with at least 5,000 plus reviews to make it worth your while.
Question of the day: How do you keep yourself educated?
December 14, 2020 Author Marinela Paano
I keep my self educated by watching and reading new articles that will help my growth as person. Hindi naman ako entrepreneur but as i read this blog, i learned that we are all life learners. Education are not limited to school or university. You can be educate or learners of your own life and other’s life experiences. You can also be educate by watching and reading educational or content that is significant and relevant to what you want to know and what industry you are engaged with.
January 19, 2021 Author aldwin
Reading and Experience, as well as learning from other people’s mistakes/experiences. Also, question everything, look at both sides of every argument, and take responsibility for yourself
January 19, 2021 Author rhona
Self education begins with the ability to read. After that it’s a matter of organizing your time, what you want to learn and setting a time line for how much time is necessary to master that particular level.
January 19, 2021 Author Joseph Santos
It really depends on who you are and what you’re learning. Everyone has different resources available to them, different fundamental skills, and different ways of engaging with new ideas.
I personally take an approach where I make the thing I’m trying to learn as accessible as possible (reducing my barriers to approaching the skill). Then I choose a few short term attainable goals, and I spend frequent short bursts practicing the thing whenever I get the whim. 5–10 minute bursts. Gradually your endurance for the skill gets better and your time is spent more efficiently until you have the foundational skills and conditioning to invest in longer, more focused practice sessions.
Beyond finding a good practice strategy that keeps you personally motivated and focused, read. Watch videos of experts. When possible, get opposing perspectives from experts and try them both.
January 19, 2021 Author jocelyn
I would prefer the term ‘self-learning’ to ‘self-teaching’. That makes sense. We cannot teach ourselves, we just learn things that we need and this constitutes self-learning.
to learn on your own, you should possess a certain degree of motivation. This should be integral and not instrumental. You should have a good analytical mind, and be able to assess what your specific needs are. You should also be able to prioritize these needs as immediate and long-term needs. You should plan strategies to fulfil these needs and that constitutes self-learning.
January 19, 2021 Author Hans Angelo
Education is the process of facilitating learning. Knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits of a group of people are transferred to other people, through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves in a process called autodidactic learning. Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.
January 19, 2021 Author edward
If you want to learn yourself then you can choose what interests you and start researching on it. Once you learn yourself you can share your knowledge with your elders, peers or subordinates. Get their opinions/views and try to grasp whichever is best you believe. My Teachers used to say that knowledge is attained not just by reading or listening but by sharing, observing, practicing what you learn.
You gain education not just for yourself but for the society as well.
January 19, 2021 Author Henrique
Educating yourself in subjects you feel in love with for me i am in love with programming, learn free from the internet or take courses or go to university the one you prefer or suits you more, be curious and have passion i like programming because it’s huge world to discover myself i am just curious what can i do when i become professional in programming
January 19, 2021 Author Janeth
Honestly, just taking other people options with a grain of salt and looking to your own mind/research to determine if it is something that you want to choose to believe. But being educated is more than just being aware or believing in topics.
You will be naturally drawn to certain things so I suggest you start to learn about those that spark your interest initially and then branch out from there
If you don’t know what you’re interested in just go into a bookstore and see where you happen to wander to! It’s usually a pretty good indicator 🙂
January 19, 2021 Author Anton
Be modest, open to different opinions, check why there are different opinions more often, but don’t easily give up your own opinion, instead, use the information you collected from the opposite party to make your opinion grow stronger.
Never give up. When facing problems, try to solve it with all your efforts, find books regarding it in the library, scan the papers from the related database, talk to experts in the field, do your own research and experiment. Every problems are a threshold to go to the next level. Or maybe the best way is learning the meta-knowledge first, then use it in your life to learn knowledge easily.
January 19, 2021 Author Albert
Focus on each word of each line you ever read and hear. Try and wrap your mind around each idea before moving on to the next. Give your full uncompromising attention to people, life and all its enriching details, encompassing each new experience with your utmost awareness and humility. Do this always, and the rest of ‘becoming educated’ will follow through.
January 19, 2021 Author Jerome
No matter who you are or what your situation is in life, there are numerous ways you can educate yourself. For most people, educating themselves involves going to school, but for a lot of people, school isn’t affordable. If you don’t have the financial means/time to take classes, you can access free courses online through various websites. You can also find tutorial videos on YouTube if you want to teach yourself some kind of skill. You can also find books on virtually any topic and through reading you can learn more about the world. It doesn’t matter what kinds of books you read; reading helps make your smarter and teach you information about all aspects of life.
January 19, 2021 Author nico
I think it is important to educate yourself everyday on what your passionate about and learn something new. Sometimes that means going on YouTube and watching other people who know more about a topic and taking out of it what is most important to you. Or you can ask yourself questions, and look within to answer those questions for yourself. You can discover something new that is true to you. Maybe the best way to self educate is to find your truths.
January 19, 2021 Author Jimbogs
Read as much as you can. And if possible practice as much as you can. For example, if you are studying maths or programming, solve as many problems as possible. If you are learning mechanics, make as many machines as possible.
If you are studying literature, read as many text and their interpretations by different authors as possible. Practice is the key.
January 19, 2021 Author genesis
First and foremost be open-minded. Do not reject anything but first assimilate information. Then you process that information. Ask yourself if the information makes sense or not. Do not allow your emotions, preconceived ideas, pride, prejudice, hatred, anger, likes and dislikes to cloud your thinking. This is all smoke that blurs your internal vision. Be objective.
If you do this you’ll become a very educated person. Let reason be your guide. It’s the guide of all scientists, explorers and seekers of knowledge.
January 19, 2021 Author renato
Your process of education starts with your movement in the Society around. All essential things are acquired mainly from interaction and the experience you gain. Of all things, your life comes first and for that, you learn soft skills and communication skill is just one of them, For your comprehension, you begin reading and you increase the range of your thinking. The degrees which you gather from University are merely parameters, useful in building up a career for life.
I can assert that the main part of your education is your movement and your interaction and then only comes your reading.
February 12, 2021 Author Aldwin
Assign Little Steps. You’ve selected a specific field and have a specific goal, but you should break it down into smaller pieces daily. Even these measurable, short term goals are overwhelming. Write down one to two learning tasks you have to accomplish for the day, and do them. Deconstructing tasks into little steps is also great for habit formation.
February 12, 2021 Author Anton
It really depends on who you are and what you’re learning. Everyone has different resources available to them, different fundamental skills, and different ways of engaging with new ideas.
I personally take an approach where I make the thing I’m trying to learn as accessible as possible (reducing my barriers to approaching the skill). Then I choose a few short term attainable goals, and I spend frequent short bursts practicing the thing whenever I get the whim. 5–10 minute bursts. Gradually your endurance for the skill gets better and your time is spent more efficiently until you have the foundational skills and conditioning to invest in longer, more focused practice sessions.
Beyond finding a good practice strategy that keeps you personally motivated and focused, read. Watch videos of experts. When possible, get opposing perspectives (from experts) and try them both.
February 12, 2021 Author Nigel
I would prefer the term ‘self-learning’ to ‘self-teaching’. That makes sense. We cannot teach ourselves, we just learn things that we need and this constitutes self-learning.
to learn on your own, you should possess a certain degree of motivation. This should be integral and not instrumental.
You should have a good analytical mind, and be able to assess what your specific needs are. You should also be able to prioritise these needs as immediate and long-term needs. You should plan strategies to fulfil these needs and that constitutes self-learning.
February 12, 2021 Author Edward
Honestly, just taking other people options with a grain of salt and looking to your own mind/research to determine if it is something that you want to choose to believe. But being educated is more than just being aware or believing in topics.
You will be naturally drawn to certain things so I suggest you start to learn about those that spark your interest initially and then branch out from there
If you don’t know what you’re interested in just go into a bookstore and see where you happen to wander to! It’s usually a pretty good indicator 🙂